What is the 333 rule for Anxiety? 

What Is The 333 Rule For Anxiety? 

It’s natural to feel anxious from time to time. Especially when we are going through a rough patch and not feeling our best. But when this feeling of anxiety comes in between our day-to-day lives, it might be a sign to take matters into our hands and bring them under control. 

There are multiple ways that might help cope with this overwhelming feeling. Today we will discuss one such exercise that will calm you down in the moment of need. The 333 rule for anxiety. Let us know more about this method. 

Steps Involved In 333 Rule 

The 333 method is a common and informal technique that can help us when something triggers our anxiety. 

    1. Name 3 things you see
    2. Identify 3 sounds you hear
    3. Touching 3 objects

This method does not have any scientific research backing its credibility. However, many have found this method to be helpful. It does not guarantee completely getting rid of the feeling but it can be a handy way to bring it under control. 

333 Rule for Anxiety

333 Anxiety Method Not A Substitute For Treatment

This method can come across as a great way to tackle anxiety attacks. However, it can never be a replacement or substitute for professional medical help. 333 anxiety method can help you temporarily, but to get to the roots of it and get rid of it for good, mental health care is advised.

Fortunately, sometimes it might be just a temporary phase. But often, we overlook if we are in actual need of help. Let’s know more about anxiety disorders to have a more clear understanding of the best possible solution for you. 

Types of Anxiety

As we discussed earlier, feeling anxious is a common part of life. Sometimes it’s before the exam or maybe right before a public speech. However, when this becomes chronic, it makes us avoid our daily activities. We tend to go into a cocoon. If anxiety is affecting us to this degree, we might be overlooking a more serious problem like an anxiety disorder

We often ignore the severity of this feeling, thinking we might be overthinking. According to studies published by the National Institute of Mental Health, anxiety can be divided into the following categories:

  • Generalized anxiety disorder

In this disorder, we feel anxious and fear persistently. It’s not the same as the one we feel for a brief moment before a presentation, but rather that feeling throughout the day. People suffering from GAD often go through frequent anxiety spells for months, if not years. People suffering from GAD often complain about difficulty sleeping.

  • Panic disorder

Panic attacks are spells of extreme fear often with the sense of losing control without any actual danger or trigger. When these attacks occur very frequently, they might develop into panic disorders. Pounding heart, sweating, often accompanied by a tingling feeling, are the signs of panic attacks. 

  • Social anxiety disorder

Social anxiety is a fear of constantly being judged and watched. The thought of being exposed to a social situation might induce extreme fear beyond any control. This often hinders attending day-to-day activities in life, which include socializing in school, the office, or just a party. Sweating profusely, trembling with racing hearts, sharp pain in the stomach are few symptoms.

  • Phobia Related Disorders

An intense fear or aversion toward a particular situation or thing is a phobia. Though it’s natural to feel scared at certain times, especially when it’s dangerous, sometimes individuals feel a sense of fear several folds greater than the danger the thing can actually pose. 

Solution To Anxiety: Treatment Options

While there are multiple methods and techniques to bring these sudden bursts of emotions under control, the permanent solution often demands professional help.

Identifying the underlying cause and getting to the root is the initial step. Therapy, medications, and lifestyle changes are by far the best-proven treatment options. 

Solution To Anxiety


Seeking help is not always easy. Taking the first step is always the hardest. But once we take that, things often start falling into place. The 333 anxiety method is a great way to help with anxiety attacks. But unfortunately, it is just a temporary solution. 

Take that first step! You can conquer anxiety with treatment from the team at MindSpa Psychiatry. Call the office or request an appointment online today.

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